Green IT

Managing your carbon footprint

Edited by BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

Publication date: 08 May 2012

New legislation, rising energy costs and increasing demand for green credentials have moved sustainable IT up the business agenda. Yet the term ‘green IT’ still means a variety of things to a variety of people – whether that’s sustainably managing and procuring IT assets, ethically recycling hardware or using IT to enable carbon footprint reduction. This ebook looks at these different aspects and offers advice on how to incorporate sustainable practices in business strategy.
Ebook (VitalSource) - £2.99

Ebook ISBN-13: 9781780171357

68 pages

Imprint: BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

Green IT as a business strategy
Cloud computing, BPM and going green
Blueprint for green IT
Accounting for carbon in your green IT strategy
Where there's muck there's money
Making savings
Need more capacity?
Beating the storage beast
Making data centres greener
Green procurement – guidelines for buyers
Destination landfill
WEEE Recast
The impact of hardware
Green IT best practice