Managing Project Plans

Shortcuts to success

By (author) Elizabeth Harrin

Publication date: 15 Sep 2013

Planning, scheduling and time management are all key skills for project managers. Every project, irrespective of time frame, needs accurate plans and a managed schedule to be successful and meet its aims and objectives. This ebook addresses vital aspects of this process, such as identifying and setting tasks, keeping the momentum going and managing fixed project dates. This is one section of the book "Shortcuts to Success".
Ebook (VitalSource) - £6.99
Elizabeth Harrin MA MBCS FAPM is a project and programme manager with a decade of experience managing IT and business change projects. She is the author of Social Media for Project Managers (PMI, 2010) and writes the award-winning blog A Girl’s Guide to Project Management. Elizabeth is a PRINCE2, MSP and P3O Practitioner and a member of PMI.

Ebook ISBN-13: 9781780172101

35 pages

Imprint: BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

Keep up the momentum
Plan first – set end date later
Manage fixed date projects carefully
Have short tasks
Understand the critical path
Baseline your schedule
Make meetings productive
Delegate sub-plans to workstream leaders
Manage project dependencies
Manage multiple projects at the same time
Further reading
Lives up to the 'real world' promise in its title, providing concise, practical advice for leaders of large projects, small projects, and everything between. The interwoven examples from actual projects illustrate clearly why the guidance provided here matters.

Tom Kendrick, MBA, PMP

Elizabeth Harrin has done it again! This new edition of her book 'Project management in the real world' is packed with hard-won insights on how to make projects work in today's pressurised business environment. It shares the stories of people grappling with projects all over the world. I reckon that these lessons learned are worth their weight in gold to anyone with a challenging project to accomplish. Apply what it suggests and you're likely to save your company a fortune and yourself heaps of frustration!

Dr Penny Pullan