Leadership in IT bundle

Combined Technical Leadership Capabilities series

By (author) Brian Sutton, Robina Chatham

Publication date: 07 Apr 2020

In this 3-book set, management experts Brian Sutton and Robina Chatham describe and explain core leadership techniques including: Building a Winning Team (5 techniques), Delivering Benefit (6 techniques), and Growing Yourself as a Leader (6 techniques). With real life examples, tips and exercises throughout each book, you'll also boost your soft skills as you steer your team to success, improve value for your customers and your organisation, and progress your personal and professional development.
Book - £26.97
Prof. Brian Sutton has over 40 years’ management and leadership experience. He has developed comprehensive information systems strategies, conducted large-scale re-engineering initiatives and led major organisational change. Dr Robina Chatham has over 35 years' experience in IT. She specialises in management development and executive coaching and is the author of a number of books including The Art of IT Management.

Dimensions: 198x129mm

Print ISBN-13: 9781780175393

310 pages

Imprint: BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

Building a Winning Team 
  1. Helping Your Team to See Your Value to Them as a Leader
  2. Increasing Your Circle of Organisational Influence
  3. Delegating Work For Maximum Impact
  4. Dealing with Poor Performance
  5. Behaving With A True Sense of Urgency 

Delivering Benefit 
  1. Understanding Your Customers: How To Truly Delight Them
  2. Seeing the Big Picture and Thinking Strategically
  3. Seeing New Opportunities and Recognising The Unexpected Before It Happens
  4. Building A Spirit of Innovation
  5. Being Seen As Someone Who Helps Change To Happen
  6. Helping Your Team To Cope With The Rigours of Change   

Growing Yourself as a Leader 
  1. Building Personal Master
  2. Unlocking Your Own Creative Potential
  3. Developing Yourself Through Mentoring and Coaching Others
  4. Playing the Political Game Whilst Maintaining Integrity
  5. Managing Your Own Time
  6. Keeping Positive When Things Are Going Wrong